Drone Facade Inspection | Safety First | Fast, Efficient Operations
Quickly reach hard to access areas, capture high resolution images of the facade, analyze conditions from the comfort of your office, and identify remediation steps that may be required.
Exponentially reduce inspection time for vertical structures, both single and multiple facades, every side.
Working with Hovrtek, I have been able to significantly streamline the facade inspection process while stepping up planning and decision making.

Aerial Cinematography
Aerial Facade Inspections
Visual Inspection (RGB)Thermal Inspections
Data Analysis Anytime
Visual Data WarehouseEasy To Access Data
High-resolution facade images and thermal data, collected in a methodical manner, to document the exterior condition of facade structures, and automate and improve façade inspection quality.
Get a clear visual representation of the extent of damage when analyzing defects and failure points in the facade. Thermal (infrared) roof, facade, and building envelope aerial inspections detect unseen damages or coding compliance issues.
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